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9:21 p.m. & Sunday, Oct. 03, 2004

Where did the weekend go? Hm.

We went to the Sukkot party, where J's dad seems to have stirred up a little debate with another parent who, shall we say, doesn't share his views on the political situation in Israel. I mostly stood around by myself, and J was near tears because the boys who were playing ball wouldn't let him join the game. Poor J.

I bought more school clothes for J: two pairs of pants, two pairs of jeans, three shirts, six pairs of socks, and a cool reversible jacket.

We went to dinner and a movie with Cat and her daughter.

And that's pretty much it. A number of things went on in my head, none of them surprising or remarkable.

Interesting horoscopes for October:


Love without sex? Unthinkable. Actually quite an interesting challenge. Although intimacy is sometimes shunned because when a relationship is getting old, the thought of it borders on incest. And yet, despite all the fears, anxieties and sexual repressions, when your heart is open you have to express it...

How great it is to be able to go out and buy what you want and treat people to lunch or whatever. The feeling of wealth and generosity�-definitely spreads prosperity around. What money doesn�t do, unfortunately, is mend a broken heart. Maybe it helps to know there is somebody out there who can understand the old ache that still hasn�t gone away.

Well, not at the moment.

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