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Walking therapy
9:17 p.m. & Sunday, Sept. 26, 2004

This morning J and I went out for breakfast with Cat, and then to the playground. After that I bought new shoes for my morning walks. My aging cross-trainers weren't up to the job, so I treated myself to a proper fitting. I've never spent $90 on a single pair of shoes before, and I hope this pair is worth it.

Then I strapped on my new shoes and we went to another playground. Cat called early in the evening to ask if J and I would join her and her daughter for dinner, which of course we would!

Now J is in bed, totally zonked, and I'm headed for the same fate. I'm wrung out, having cried at two playgrounds, in one restaurant, and on one bus. I don't know what happened today, but suddenly I'm a wreck. Overnight, apparently, I became that girl: the pathetic one crying over a man who doesn't love her.

It hurts. The shoes don't help with that, not one bit.

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