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11:12 a.m. & Monday, Aug. 23, 2004

Ack, it�s going to be a busy week--J�s last week at preschool, *gulp*. We need little gifts for his teachers and a special treat for his classmates. I still need to order that most dangerous of all Jewish accoutrements: kippot. And, what to do for my dad�s birthday next week?

I can�t decide what to say about my weekend. I couldn�t possibly characterize it with a word or a descriptive phrase. Friday night and Saturday I was alone, catching up on sleep and housework and coffee-drinking. I did my own bikini wax and felt it was a great success. I did six loads of laundry and sorted J�s old clothes by size for sending to my sister. I rearranged my meager wardrobe in my bedroom closet and weeded out a few useless items. I dusted and vacuumed. Having done all those things, I felt heaps better about everything.

Saturday night was dinner with Gemini, his parents, two aunts, one uncle, one grandmother, and one teen-age cousin. I was nervous beforehand, but it was very nice. After that, we went to one of those . . . what are they called? Entertainment complexes? Heck if I know. It�s basically a video arcade with a bar and restaurant. Gemini loves that sort of thing.

Yesterday Gemini was headachey and unhappy. We walked around a bit--the comic book store seemed to perk him up slightly, and the sporting goods store helped too--picked up J, and went back to my place for dinner and several hours of guy-style TV. TV with Gemini is like this: Olympics-James Bond-poker-Olympics-James Bond-ESPN-Olympics-flipflipflipflipflipflipflipflipflipflipflip-Olympics-James Bond-and so on.

J went to bed and Gemini fell asleep--as has become his Sunday-night custom--on the couch. Every week, he says he�s got to head home by eight p.m., which turns into ten p.m., which becomes eleven, then eleven-thirty, then midnight and then he decides to stay a while longer, and then he spends the whole night on the couch until his alarm goes off several times. I do not understand why he prefers snoozing on the couch to snuggling with me in a proper bed, but--as has become MY Sunday-night custom--I went to bed alone. At some awful pre-dawn hour I heard the shrill squealing of Gemini�s mobile phone alarm. J was coughing and coughing in his room, so I fetched him a glass of water and let him crawl into my bed to go back to sleep. I snuggled him next to me in a nest of pillows and he finally drifted off at about the time Gemini was slipping out the front door.

And that was my weekend. Did I mention that Saturday night Gemini fell asleep while kissing me? Now to be fair, last week was very draining for him. Still, I admit to feeling rather less compelling than a video game or comic book.

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