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The shocking conclusion
8:02 p.m. & Saturday, May. 15, 2004

The Head of School phoned yesterday afternoon to let me know that our financial aid award has been increased! So it looks like J will be a student at this new little school, and many things are going to change for us in a very big way.

Gemini came over last night after happy hour. J was asleep in bed, and Gemini and I curled up on the couch and fell asleep too. We slept there all night, which was kind of crazy but also very nice. I needed the comfort pretty desperately because although I'm very happy about the school, I'm also nervous about the transitions that lie ahead. Sometimes I just feel better with someone beside me, and somehow Gemini just feels good to me right now.

J is trying to write on cardboard with a carrot. He really needs to go to bed now.

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