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Open book
11:09 p.m. & Thursday, Apr. 15, 2004

I got some photos back from the lab today, and there was a picture of Gemini lying on my couch, playing with J's Gameboy. I wasn't sure how I felt when I happened upon that photo, but it was a little jarring.

So I decided to unlock my diary. I only locked it to keep Gemini out, because I felt it was unfair for him to have access to my thoughts when I didn't have the same privilege. I have mixed feelings about making this diary accessible to him now, but I also have mixed feelings about keeping this thing locked. I can always use my private folder, so for now--unlocked.

Can't wait for tomorrow evening with Mr. Allegedly Nice, and for the whole weekend with my little sweetie J. What a great time this is--nice weather, baseball season, a little extra cash, no consumer debt, productive days at work, and fun dates. Sweet.

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