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I only use my power for good. Never for evil.
3:13 p.m. & Wednesday, Mar. 24, 2004

I am so happy about my performance review! In almost every category I gave myself the same rating that my boss gave me, and in a couple of cases she rated me higher than I rated myself. She also stressed how important I have become to this department and how much everyone relies on me, which was fantastic to hear and very good for my ego. It sounds like she is going to hire someone to work with me later this year, too. My department is growing like crazy, so maybe there�s a chance that this job isn�t the dead end it seemed.

Mark called last night, and I am going on a second date with him. Four out of five friends agree that it is generally preferable to see a guy two or three times before deciding there�s nothing there. The only exception to this rule, they say, would be a guy who is scary in some way. Furthermore, it has been categorically determined that �being afraid that I might not be attracted to him� does not qualify under said scariness exemption.

Heh. I�ve been reading legal documents for several weeks and they are beginning to worm their way into my brain. The Investor represents that it, or any person having a beneficial interest in the Investor, is (initial as appropriate) . . .

Let�s see . . . what else . . . today�s horoscope is a teeny bit intimidating:

When we summon enough determination, we can work miracles. We can put mind over matter. We can bend difficult situations and sometimes even people to our will. All of us are blessed with some of this innate psychic power, Virgos more than most. They cannot, though, use it indiscriminately. They must not only know what they want, they must also feel sure that it is right to want it. When, though, those criteria have been fulfilled, they become unstoppable forces. You are about to achieve a vast victory for the sake of the greater good.

�A vast victory for the greater good�? Oh, really! No pressure, though, right?

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