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Spilt milk
11:42 p.m. & Friday, Feb. 13, 2004

Wheeeeeeeee, I have nine days off! Okay, that includes weekends, which some might call cheating, but lalalalala, I'm not listening to that sort of talk! Nine days! Oh, happy, happy me.

Okay, yeah, but Gemini called me two days in a row. I'm conducting a little experiment: I'm curious to see what he will do if I just keep edging away from him. I never answer the phone when he calls, and I never wait less than two hours to call him back. When I do talk to him, I recall our pre-dating days, when he was calling me more and more often and I was wary and resistant.

(Apparently not wary and resistant enough, but I'm trying harder now.)

Yesterday, he called to vent about his stressful week and ask me if he should take the opportunity to go to Japan for a week, because he can tag along on his father's business trip and would only have to pay for airfare, which is surprisingly cheap. I said, "Absolutely, by all means, if you can afford it and if Japan is a place you'd like to visit, do not pass up the opportunity. I have to run. Bye!" Today he called to "say hi!" When I called him back he asked me AGAIN if I have lunch plans for tomorrow. Yeah, I do, I said, and I'm actually heading out for dinner right now, so I have to run. (Okay, that was a lie. I wasn't heading out for dinner; I was just coming in from work. But it's not inconceivable that I could one day go out for dinner, right? Like if I acquired some friends who didn't have boyfriends or husbands, or something? Or if I had a date? Right? Stop laughing, it could happen. You know, one day J will go away to college and THEN we'll see who's having fun. THEN we'll see who's traipsing around Europe and going out for dinner!)

Anyway. Lunch? On Valentine's Day? Screw that! I deserve a lot more than the crumbs he's tossing my way.

So then he said, "I'll call you, I guess at the end of the weekend, you know, to see how your weekend was." And I said, "Don't bother, you stupid ^%#@ing *&%$." But I don't think it counts because I didn't say it until after I hung up.

I guess everyone is expecting me to just tell him, "We're finished. It's over. You can pick up your PlayStation and Diet Cherry Coke from the doorman tomorrow." (I refer you to the "clearing up the mess" part of my daily horoscope.) I don't know why I'm not ready for that. I'm afraid it might be because part of me wants to wait for the perfect moment to really stick it to him. Maybe I'm a bit angrier than I thought, because I'm a lot more hurt than I will ever admit to anyone who doesn't read my diary. I'll work on it.

Today's horoscope: Remember, this weekend, what they say about spilt milk. Not only is there no point in crying over it, there's a lot to be said for clearing up the mess before it becomes sour. The presence of Jupiter in your sign suggests that you can gain nothing now from dwelling on the past: and the conjunction between Mercury and Neptune emphatically confirms this. It's the future which is all-important and once a few more factors have fallen into place, that's due to be brilliant.

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