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Just another Monday
1:23 p.m. & Monday, Jan. 26, 2004

Lunchtime! Leftover PIZZA, of course.

Thanks for the supportive notes, you guys. It's very kind of you.

J�s father landed his first freelance job yesterday--he�s going to do some work for another Israeli who�s setting up his own company. Three cheers for paying work, y�all!

I feel a tiny bit better today. I�m trying to get up earlier these days, so that our mornings won�t be so rushed and stressful. This morning I dragged my lazy self out of bed ten minutes earlier than I usually do, and I�m going to get up five minutes earlier each morning this week. Maybe that seems silly�like I should have been able to get up on time all these years ANYWAY�but that�s where I am. Now that I�m being super-cheap, I must give myself enough time every morning to make coffee and pack my lunch.

Let�s see, what else . . . J keeps asking when Gemini is coming over again. I don�t know how to answer this question, except to say, �I don�t know, sweetie.� Then I look at his disappointed face and tell myself how crappy it is that J is affected by this. He�s only five; he should be playing happily, not furrowing his brow because of my love life. I made the weekend as �J-centric� as possible�we painted that little wooden drawer unit, tried to get out of the freakin� Misty Mountains in his Hobbit game, read a bunch of books, napped together, and snuggled on the couch while watching a movie. We hugged each other a lot. It felt good. The painting project was really fun, and we decided we want to do more projects like that together.

This will be a hectic, hectic week. I have at least sixty allocations for February 1, and only a few days for the analysts to get them finalized so I can get the paperwork done and submitted on time. I�m starting to get the adrenaline rush. Maybe it will propel me through the dishwashing and vacuuming I have to do tonight.

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