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Coffee, tea, and me
4:37 p.m. & Thursday, Dec. 18, 2003

Oooh, I treated myself to a nice skim latte this morning. So happy! And someone sent us some bread from Z_abar�s, which I have toasted and smeared with a dab of butter, and I am . . . so happy! Thank you, hedge fund managers who send us something that is not candy! You make me . . . so HAPPY!

Now then. I�ve been thinking about this for a while, and I have arrived at the conclusion that I need a career change. I would like to work with something I love, or at least enjoy. Like tea or coffee or chocolate. There must be a way. I�m serious, so please stop laughing. I have already begun my research. In fact I used to work for a coffee company, so I know a thing or two already. So there.

I don�t care one whit about hedge funds or, in fact, any investment into which I have not sunk some of my very own funds. I don�t want to spend many more years sitting in a cubicle dealing with hedge fund investments. I don�t want to stuff my brain with any more information about ERISA regulations, liquidity provisions, management and performance fees, commodity pools, and the like. The fact is that I have a lot more to offer than neat penmanship and organizational skills, and some of my best attributes are utterly wasted in this environment. If I don�t do something soon, my brain will atrophy. And possibly my spirit, too.

On to other matters . . . I bought another dress. Wine-colored satin, sleeveless, with a band of beaded flowers just below the empire waist�-simple and elegant, but festive. It was more expensive than I would have liked, but I loved it and really wanted it. The simple black crepe dress I bought for $38 is lovely and will definitely come in handy, but the wine-colored dress is just what I wanted for NYE. I even found beaded chandelier earrings to match ($12 at the R_ack). Yummy.

As to Gemini . . . his demeanor these last couple of days has been surprisingly normal. We have plans to see each other tomorrow night, but nothing beyond that this weekend. I actually have my own plans, involving (1) having something done to my hair, (2) going to the gym, (3) shopping for accessories, and (4) getting a little crafty. See? Not so very available. Busy, very busy. Must dash!

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