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So. Icky.
3:23 p.m. & Thursday, Dec. 11, 2003

Gemini called this morning, sounding all blah and distracted. He was yawning and saying he�s tired. Why? Didn�t sleep well last night. Why? It was cold . . . and other things. What other things? Oh, you know, the usual things. Like what? Oh, things on his mind. The usual.

Well, OF FRIGGING COURSE. Things on his mind. Always, always things on his mind, causing him to seem distracted and blah. And one of the things is a bunch of murky feelings he harbors for another woman. We talked about this yet AGAIN this morning. He said he doesn�t want to hurt anyone, to which I could only reply, �Well, I am already hurt. Surely you must see how hurtful it is to know that you are trying to sort out your feelings for another woman. You need to make a decision here, and your decision cannot be that you�re not ready to decide.�

I am so *&@#ing fed up with this. We should still be in the honeymoon phase, no? We are only a couple of months into this, which in my opinion means that he should either get out of his &*%$ing head and simply enjoy being with me, or just go AWAY. This is not rocket science: either one likes what one has, or one prefers something else. If he likes what he has, and I think he does, then why continue moping around like this? Goodness me (to quote Margaret Schlegel).

This weekend he will have plenty of time to consider his options. I hope he decides to stop being icky. He�s so lovely when he�s not being icky.

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