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Sheets, candles, and high heels. What's up with that?
6:56 p.m. & Sunday, Sept. 21, 2003

This afternoon I went to M_arshall's and picked up an odd assortment of things I need for Friday night's dinner: a meat thermometer, a roasting pan, serving dishes for the potatoes and carrots, serving spoons, a carving knife, and a gravy ladle. On top of this I couldn't resist two new dishtowels, a set of sheets, votive candles, a purple silk knit top, and a pair of black loafers with a 3-inch heel. Sexaaaaaaaaay!

This, I feel, is the only problem with M_arshall's. You can walk into this store looking for athletic socks, and if you're not careful you can walk out with a lacy bra, a lamp, and a jigsaw puzzle.

I fetched J from his father's place, and J's father asked me if The Irishman and I are planning to move in together. Sometimes when I'm around J's father I get a headache, and I think it must be from rolling my eyes nonstop at all the idiotic questions he asks.

I must start my cleaning frenzy now if I hope to have this place immaculately clean for Friday night. Yay, a project!!!!!!

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