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Mystery date
6:34 p.m. & Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003

I'm about to hop into the shower, but want to thank all y'all for the birthday wishes! What a nice feeling! I love you guys.

H & M have arrived in Chicago, and all I can say is: oh. my. gosh. Cute, cute clothes at low, low prices. My wardrobe is about to head in a much more fashionable direction! Thrilling! And also kids' clothes, for the ever-stylish J.

I know for a fact that my birthday dinner will include a gift. I know this because he was going out to purchase said gift when he called me this afternoon. His office is on M_ichigan Avenue, so because I'm very helpful I pointed out that there are many fine jewelry stores, including T_iffany, located mere steps from his workplace. I got a big genuine laugh for my trouble, hmph. Alternatively, I suggested such reliable retailers as N_ordstrom, N_eiman Marcus, and S_aks Fifth Avenue. Again, a big laugh. I'm so amusing.

I bet he's giving me a Starbucks gift certificate.

Gotta go!

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