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Easy to please
9:12 a.m. & Sunday, Aug. 17, 2003

So here's something funny: My usual PMS didn't show up this time. I wasn't my normal bloated, blemished, irritable, headachey, weeps-at-the-drop-of-a-binder-clip self--not even CLOSE. I was cranky for a few hours on Thursday, and Friday night my period started. I had absolutely no clue it was coming.

So. There's that, and I'm very grateful.

Now, last night: Black silk knit lace-up top (modest with the merest hint of intrigue), khaki stretch poplin skirt, black sandals with a 3-inch wedge heel, silver hoop earrings, wide hammered silver ring, silver mesh watch. V. cute hair (thanks for the dust, foxy-jeanne, I think you're really onto something there, girl!). Heck, even I liked looking at me.

First, "The Ar@b-Israeli Comedy Hour" at a local improv venue. Yeah, I know. I had my doubts, but he really wanted to see it and it's closing soon. All day Friday I kept thinking, "Uh, it's not funny. How can that be funny? This might not be funny. Okay, open mind. It's only an hour."

Well, it WAS funny. Very well done by one Israeli comic and one Arab comic. And I ran into a bunch of people I knew--all single Jewish women who, last time I saw them, were commiserating over the utter lack of eligible Jewish bachelors. At the time I was still months away from wanting a man in my life, so I just listened with great dread in my heart. I didn't want to explain that I was there on a date (with Patrick McSomething, no less) so I said a quick "hello! how are ya?!" and we darted off to dinner.

Dinner was upscale Chinese in a lovely, airy restaurant. The ladies' room was so sexy I didn't want to leave--the sink was a great porcelain bowl atop a shelf made of wooden slats, and there was one candle flickering nearby. Yummy food, interesting people-watching. (The guy with the scruffy facial hair, rolled-up jeans, brown loafers, black jacket, and silk ascot--priceless! His table drank a lot of sake and spilled several things.)

Then we had a drink at a nearby Irish pub, where a bunch of girls at a bachelorette party tried to chat up my date while ignoring my presence. To his credit, he was polite to them and then settled us into a corner alone. We had a nice long chat and then decided to leave.

My side ached as I paid the babysitter (I could have had my hair cut for approximately the same money), but I think I'll get over it. It was a nice evening, full of things I enjoy, enhanced by the company of someone I like. I like that he wants to see things like the Ar@b-Israeli comedy hour, and try new restaurants, and tell me about his family in a cozy corner of a noisy pub. I like that he knows what I want to drink, because even though I always order the same thing, no one else has ever bothered to pay attention and remember that. I like that he pulls me close and says "And how are ya then?" right in my ear, and kisses me on the forehead, and holds the car door open even in a downpour.

I'm also very happy that we have plans to see each other Tuesday night, maybe for another outdoor film. Mmmmmm, the alluring scent of citronella and Deep W00ds Off.

Now, off to the lake with J, to sit in our chairs and decompress.

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