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Must . . . wear . . . contacts
9:19 p.m. & Saturday, Aug. 02, 2003

I have an eye infection. Remember how my left contact was driving me batty at the most inopportune moments, like when I wanted to knock the socks off A Certain Someone at a Certain Happy Hour? Well, NO WONDER! Eye infection! Ewwwww. For, like, a few weeks now! I'm a stupidhead sometimes.

Anyway, this eye infection has turned out to be a pricey little malady: $95 up front for the doctor's visit, and $30 for the prescription because it is not in my insurance company's FORMULARY.

Fortunately, I have other minor worries to distract me.

Like, just for instance, A Certain Someone keeps popping into my thoughts and I'm not happy about it. There's really every chance that he won't even show up Tuesday night, that he never even gave me a second thought, and that our conversation was only great in my head because I was slightly ginned-and-tonic'ed. So, is there a way to, I dunno, build a fence or something to keep him out my thoughts? Or perhaps I need cement and a few rolls of piano wire. Oh, what about aversion therapy!?

There's also the strong possibility that he WILL show up on Tuesday, but will hate my new haircut or will just generally think I looked a lot better in a dimly-lit bar. I guess that would be a potent argument for not going to bars to meet men. Perhaps this also explains why no man has ever been drawn to me in the normal course of my daily life, which involves a lot fluorescent lighting.

If it were just a matter of pesky thoughts, that would be one thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. There's also the matter of the manicure, the pedicure, and the new shirt.

Well, I needed those anyway. Yes, I did. Don't think I don't see you rolling your eyes.

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