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The muffin of death
8:04 p.m. & Monday, Jul. 28, 2003

Hum de hum. Ho hum. That reminds me, I ate a lot of hummus today, with pita bread and carrots.

Yesterday I made blueberry corn muffins. Oh! Brilliantly yummy! J hates them because they contain (1) blueberries and (2) honey. He hates honey. What is wrong with my child? What right-minded person HATES HONEY? I gave him a little teeny piece, no blueberries, just the cakey part, and after just barely licking it he started making a lot of coughing, choking, gasping noises. Okay, stop already, Mr. Melodrama, it's a muffin! Sheesh.

Something went horribly awry with the new accounting system today, and everyone was in the worst mood you've ever seen. Well, the worst mood you've ever seen in a run-of-the-mill workplace, anyway. (Unless you worked for Saddam Hussein or Martha Stewart, you know.) All the accountants have to work day and night to fix whatever went wrong, and they hate my boss. They hated her before, just like everyone else in my department does, but now they hate her more. She made promises she probably shouldn't have made--account information available on the Internet, via a feed from the new accounting system that doesn't really work and has more patches than a crazy quilt.

I think I'll make some more of those muffins tomorrow night and take them in for the poor accounting kids. I hope they like honey.

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