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See how social I am?
12:56 p.m. & Thursday, May. 01, 2003

Okay, he responded to my response, and then I think I responded again. Yeah, I definitely did. Gosh, it's fun.

No, actually it's not fun at all. I hope it becomes fun soon. But even if it doesn't, it's okay. Know why? Because I joined a CLUB. It's a social/activity/adventure club for singles. I went to their office to be interviewed (because they sure as shootin' don't allow just any ol' single in their nice club) last night. And my interview was with the hottest hottie in Hottsville. I'm all hotted up just thinking about him, in fact.

(Yeah, I'm 35 and totally boy-crazy at the moment. Did you wanna make something of it? Fine. Go right ahead. I'll be over here, plugging my ears and singing loudly.)

Still, he wasn't hot enough for me to feel okay about plunking down $1200 for an initiation fee on a one-year membership. (No one is that hot, just for the record. I love my cash even more than I love Russell Crowe. He has a bad temper, I hear.) Their little strategy of having the hunkiest hunks interview the female prospective members didn't work out so perfectly this time.

No, I plunked down a far lesser amount for the initiation fee on a four-month membership, with the option to continue on a month-to-month basis thereafter.

So what should I do this weekend, kids? Improv show, botanic garden hike, frisbee on the beach, or pottery painting?

It's a sort of madness, I'm sure it will pass.

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