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Cinnamon toast will make you mean
12:25 p.m. & Tuesday, Apr. 29, 2003

I smell toast . . . someone has toast. Probably my boss. She eats cinnamon toast for lunch sometimes.

So there's this guy in my office who's very direct and brusque, and when I talk to him I'm often very direct and brusque too. I just tend to mirror people in my interactions at work. My boss thinks I come off as stressed and unpleasant, when I'm supposed to be nicey-nicey all the time. Only if we're nicey-nicey does she feel that we're all working TOGETHER.

She is nicey-nicey at all times, even when she's embarrassing someone in front of colleagues or making a snarky comment about someone. And then she'll have a friend come to her office so they can gossip about their colleagues in whispery little voices.

Now, isn't that nice?

Also very nice is that she has decided to send a spy around every morning to write up people who aren't at their desks at 9:00. The catch is that she hasn't informed people that they're expected to be at their desks at 9:00. The people who don't know about the spying still think their hours are flexible, and they won't find out otherwise until they get nailed.

This isn't nice of me, but I really really really would like to see her get what she has coming.

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