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4:50 p.m. & Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

All right, now the review is behind me. (That doesn�t sound quite right, does it?) I did not get a raise because I have only been there almost seven months. I did get a little teeny token bonus, 2.27% of my gross salary if we�re going to be precise about it. Yah. Here�s the part where I remind myself that I should be grateful that I even have a job, that I don�t live under a brutal dictatorship, and what have you.

But a little raise, just a little one, would have been nice. Oh look, I�m a simpering ingrate.

Focus on the positive! I have a lovely new Panasonic Platinum Performance Plus canister vacuum on its way to me AT. THIS. VERY. MOMENT. Yes I do! Cog belt, dual fans, mini power head, the works. I think the alliterative character of the name virtually guarantees high quality and exceptional performance.

Passover thinks it�s going to sneak up on me this year and catch me unprepared. Well, it couldn�t be more wrong. We are snarfing up the chametz like nobody�s business, and my shopping list is almost finished. The nice guy from will bring me my Passover food, and the new vacuum will take care of any pesky crumbs that might elude my watchful eye.

I wonder if the new vacuum will also get me some new dishes and cooking implements. It�s worth asking, for sure.

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