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Shut up!
8:00 p.m. & Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2003

Oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-boy. I witnessed such an ugly exchange this evening, and you'll NEVER GUESS WHERE. Go on, try to guess.

No, it was on the bus! TRUE STORY! I know, it seems unlikely because the bus is such a fabulous place to be, and it puts everyone in such a festive mood.

Ahem. I've never seen a passenger and a driver actually tell each other to shut up before tonight. "Shut up!" "Yeah, you shut up!" "Hey, shut UP!" I hear a lot of grumbling and under-the-breath insults, but, you know, this is the midwest. We're much more, I dunno, passive in our aggression.

I don't think I can take this city even one moment longer. Hate it here. Hate my apartment and my job. Hate. It. All.

The problem with leaving is that I would have to take myself long. And I think I hate myself more than anything else I hate at the moment.

J did not want to come home after school, because he wanted to go to his dad's house, I think because he hates me too and because I haven't made a nice enough home for him. I did not think he would recognize my hateworthiness so early!

Even the cat is totally dissatisfied. The nerve of me, tossing the burrito wrapper down the trash chute when it was so clearly her one burning interest! What kind of monster am I?!? I ask you!

Heh, I just made myself smile a tiny bit.

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